At Loom we’re always keen to share our knowledge and introduce people to the world of digital marketing and agency life. When Nancy reached out to us about work experience we started planning a full introduction to life at Loom.

As part of her work experience, Nancy wrote a short blog about her experience. Here’s  how she got on…

My week of work experience at Loom

When going into this opportunity my mind was blank on what to expect. I was hoping for a new range of skills and to have a clear understanding of what exactly digital marketing is. This was a chance to see if the world of digital was something that I would like to pursue in the future. 

My first day at Loom was nerve-racking but after being welcomed warmly, there was nothing to be nervous about and I settled in. I was treated no differently to any other member of the team. I was given an introduction to the agency by Ellen who explained the services that Loom provides. My task of day one was to complete competitor research for one of Ellen’s clients – I’d never done this before but with her guidance I got the hang of it. Ellen and I then discussed my research and she asked me a range of questions about my findings which encouraged me to think in different ways than I had before.

On day two, I was introduced to the world of PPC by Wez – I was very unsure of this at the start of the day although, after Wez explained it to me I was able to complete the tasks I had been set. My first brief was to complete keyword research which I found fascinating! I then used my data and newly learnt skills to create a PPC campaign structure which included ad groups, keywords and a landing page.

The next day Tamas introduced me to Paid Social and how to create a Facebook ad which consisted of exploring one of my favourite brands’ websites, Starface. I created my own headline, description and USPs. I also explored how to make creative assets on Canva which I really enjoyed. This was one of my favourite tasks of the week – I had a lot of fun creating these and it might be something that I would like to pursue further for the future! Tamas was an amazing teacher and has interested me in this particular field. He showed me many more impressive things throughout the course of the day that will be valuable to me in the future.

On Thursday, Tegan and Chloe took me through SEO & Content. I worked on a brief about suggesting website improvements for one of my favourite brands and then reviewed my suggestions with Tegan who was very helpful and gave more context about how user experience impacts SEO. Chloe then did a great job at guiding me through content and set me up for creating my first ever blog – this one!

At the end of this experience I have come out with a huge knowledge of digital marketing and determination to learn more. My skill set has grown and I am looking forward to applying what I’ve learnt in the future.

“I have gained understanding on what it is like in the real working world and a new motivation that is going to push me forward. I am extremely grateful for this fantastic opportunity and would like to say a big thank you to the team at Loom for accepting me into their company for a week and introducing me to the world of digital marketing.” Nancy

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Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy