Lukas Beeler

Data & Analytics

  • Data & Analytics
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Digital Strategy
  • Client Services

Lukas is an experienced data and analytics specialist with over 5 years of agency experience, having worked with a range of clients in both B2B and B2C industries.

Lukas works with Loom’s clients and our SEO, Content and Biddable Media teams to define objectives, identify how we can better measure performance and use data to improve channel performance and our understanding of user behaviour.

He believes that a strong marketing strategy needs to be underpinned by a strong understanding of how the decisions we make as marketers impact each stage of the user journey – even those outside of the digital space.

With extensive experience in Conversion Rate Optimisation, Lukas also loves using quantitative and qualitative data to find opportunities for on-site performance and A/B testing solutions.

When he’s not digging through Google Analytics accounts, Lukas enjoys playing and watching football, cooking and a good pub quiz.

Lukas Beeler