The 13th March 2016: the day dawned crisp and sunny. Would this be a lovely, lazy Sunday for Loom? Not likely. Today was the day we would embark on the Vitality Bath Half Marathon. It was going to happen whether our legs liked it or not.

We’ve spent the drizzly, cold and very windy winter months embracing the fresh air, chilly evenings and festive food in equal measure. We’ve all done our bit to get to this point and we’re ready to take on the streets of Bath.

A renowned race, the Bath Half attracts thousands of spectators as well as nearly 15,000 competitors and is known as a ‘the fastest Spring half marathon course in the UK’. A flat, gentle route, this race is ideal for beginners as well a professionals looking to beat their personal bests. Set in the beautiful Georgian surroundings of Bath, this is running at its best.

Donning their running shoes were Nicola Ellison, Katie Newcombe, Karen Howell and Claire Young: a good team effort.

Inspired by the weather as well as the hustle and bustle of the runners’ village, we felt a heady mixture of excitement and pure terror. Housing many charities, the runners’ village was a hubbub of athletes warming up, posing for photos and checking in with their chosen charity. Some were having pre-run massages, whilst others gobbled bananas and nervously checked the time.

Collectively Loom have chosen to give to Diabetes UK and Parkinson’s UK, selected by Nicola and Claire respectively. Pressing our friends, families and extended acquaintances for kind donations, the team also organised a cake sale encouraging fellow workers to turn their sugar cravings into sponsorship. In total we’ve raised £895 and we’re so grateful for everyone’s support; we couldn’t have done it without you!

No amount of training could have prepared us for the buoyant atmosphere we experienced as we ran out of the starting pens. Not only were the runners around us buzzing with anticipation and mutual encouragement but also the crowd seemed as fired up as we were. It had the feel of a huge street party, with bands dotted along the course and everyone, from families, to solitary cyclists, stopping to cheer, sing, or high five runners one by one.
The entire course was an endless patchwork of entertainment, a group of students forming their own band with pots, pans and wooden spoons, runners dressed as a horse, pairs of boobs and a (very sweaty) American footballer. This trail of exciting distractions pulled us all through to the final leg and shouts of encouragement pushed us over the finish line. What a feeling.

Victorious in the sun.

Exhausted but happy, we revelled in the fact we had all crossed the finish line in one piece. A great achievement and a really enjoyable race as well. This is definitely a great starter race, for anyone delving into the world of running for the first time.

So now that’s ticked off the list, we need a new, meaty challenge. We’ve all eagerly signed up for the Bristol 10K and there may be rumours about the Bristol Half Marathon. Who knows what’s next? The London Marathon itself? Watch this space…

Bath Half Finishers!

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Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy